In addition to advancing the basic scientific understanding of existential psychology, ISSEP members apply that science to enhance the quality of everyday life.
ISSEP members contribute to society and their communities by applying the science of existential psychology in diverse domains, such as health, business, technology, law, sports, environment, education, politics, religion, community engagement. They also support journalists, media, and other public communications.
By Jake Womick & Laura A. King
Applied Psychology Resources – Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP)
Office of Applied Psychology – American Psychological Association (APA)
Research in Action – American Psychological Association (APA)
Clinical Practice & Psychotherapy

ISSEP members also conduct research on the roles of existential concerns in mental health and disordered functioning.
Many also deliver therapies, employing a wide variety of contemporary techniques including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Attachment-Based Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), among many others—even including a variety of specialized Existential Therapy techniques!

Therapist Locators & Credential Verification
Psychologist Locator – American Psychological Association (APA)
“Find a Therapist” tool – National Register
Verify a License – Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB)
Advice: Choosing a Therapist
How do I Find a Good Therapist? – American Psychological Association (APA)
How to Choose a Therapist – American Psychological Association (APA)

Existential Psychotherapy in Action
What it’s like to Visit an Existential Psychotherapist – The Atlantic
Society for Humanistic Psychology (APA Division 32)