ISSEP is proud to honor the legacy of Ernest Becker by offering the Ernest Becker Honors—including the Ernest Becker Research Grant, Best Paper Award, & Conference Awards. Each are designed to further explore the contributions of Ernest Becker and to further stimulate and recognize research contributions that expressly build on his work and ideas.
Ernest Becker Research Grant
The Ernest Becker Research Grant is intended to both further explore the contributions of Ernest Becker and further stimulate research contributions in the science of existential psychology. This grant supports well-designed and well-powered studies that expressly build on the work and ideas of Ernest Becker and that have the potential to contribute to the scientific literature. To learn more about Ernest Becker and his contributions, visit or check out our Feature article about Becker’s work and impact on the science of existential psychology.
Projects may use quantitative and/or qualitative methods, may rely on primary (e.g., original studies) or secondary data (e.g., meta-analyses), and may be basic or applied science.
The maximum budget that may be requested is fifteen thousand dollars (USD $15,000) per project.
The deadline to submit applications for the summer cycle is June 30.
The deadline to submit applications for the winter cycle is November 15.
At least one project will be selected for funding each cycle.
Applicants for the grant:
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of applications;
Must obtain approval from their relevant institutional review board (IRB) prior to collecting data.
Must agree to author a brief article about the research area and the funded project upon completion of the project (up to 3,000 words), to inform the ISSEP membership and public readership about the funded study’s context, purpose, design, outcomes, and implications.
Are strongly encouraged to submit the project for presentation at a future ISSEP Existential Psychology Conference event (e.g., the Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP).
Note that successful research grants will involve a funding agreement (contract) between ISSEP and the principal investigator’s institution (e.g., university), that funding will be transferred to and administered by the PIs institution, and that institutional offices (e.g., Office of Sponsored Research) often prefer applicants contact them about proposals prior to submission.
See the “Becker Grant Application Guide & Form” for detailed instructions.
Applications must include the following:
A title and abstract (200 word max).
A confirmation (w/ explanation) that the project expressly builds on the work and ideas of Ernest Becker.
A project description, including the following sections: (1) Research Question and Theoretical Introduction; (2) Purpose and Goals of the Study; (3) Research Design & Methodology; and (4) Sample Size Planning & Data Collection Planning; and (5) Planned Analyses.
A proposed timeline for completion of the project (12-18 months max)
A detailed budget. Grant monies may be used for direct expenses toward the completion of the research, such as participant compensation, data collection expenses, purchase equipment and supplies, and travel to research sites. They may not be used for salary, stipends, or travel to conferences, and no indirect costs will be granted to institutions.
The applicant’s current CV.
To apply, complete the application form and other application materials, compile them into a single PDF, and submit that PDF as an email attachment to with the subject line “Ernest Becker Research Grant Application.”
Note that successful research grants will involve a funding agreement (contract) between ISSEP and the principal investigator’s institution (e.g., university), that funding will be transferred to and administered by the PIs institution, and that institutional offices (e.g., Office of Sponsored Research) often prefer applicants contact them about proposals prior to submission.
The deadline to submit applications/nominations for the summer cycle is June 30.
The deadline to submit applications/nominations for the winter cycle is November 15.
The grant application review committee will evaluate each proposal according to the following criteria:
Quality of the abstract. To what degree does the abstract clearly communicate the research question, hypotheses, method, planned analyses, and potential significance of he project?
Quality of research question and theoretical ideas. To what extent are the research question(s) clearly stated, based on a reasonably sophisticated command of the topic, and are they sufficiently novel/interesting?
Quality of purpose/goal of the study. To what extent are there clear, valuable goals for what the study will help us learn?
Quality of research design and methodology. To what degree are the research method (qualitative, quantitative) and design (interview, experiment, correlation, longitudinal) sufficiently detailed and appropriate for addressing the research question?
Quality of planned analyses. To what degree are the planned analysis techniques (thematic, regression, ANOVA, SEM, HLM, etc.) sufficiently detailed and appropriate for the research question?
Relevance to Ernest Becker’s Work & Ideas. To what extent will this research explore the work and ideas of Ernest Becker?
Reasonable timeline. To what extent is the project timeline a reasonable expectation, and does it seem as though the project can actually be completed within 12-18 months?
Appropriate budget request. To what degree do the items in the budget seem necessary and do the dollar amounts for each item seem to be reasonable and well-justified?
Capacity to generatively stimulate further work. To what extent does it seem this study would actually stimulate future research on the topic, either by these or other researchers?
Capacity for success. To what degree do the PI and Co-PI(s) have a relevant track record of successful completions or demonstrated capability for success?
ISSEP-2024-06. Achieved and symbolic immortality: Longitudinal paths from symbolic immortality to climate policy support and meaning in life. PI: Vlad Costin. University of Sussex.
ISSEP-2024-07. Intuitive and analytic management of mortality awareness: The role of normative cultural belief systems. PI: Madhwa Galgali. University of Missouri.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Ernest Becker Best Paper Award
The Ernest Becker Best Paper Award recognizes excellence in papers that expressly build on the work and ideas of Ernest Becker in advancing the research, communication, and/or application of the science of existential psychology, including quantitative and/or qualitative research, theoretical advances, or systematic reviews of the scientific literature.
To learn more about Ernest Becker and his contributions, visit or check out our Feature article about Becker’s work and impact on the science of existential psychology.
The foremost author of the winning paper receives a one-time cash award of five hundred dollars (USD $500) and is invited to receive the award at our annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
The winner is also invited to produce a brief article (1,500-3,000 words) to contextualize the work and illustrate how the paper advanced the research, communication, and/or application of the science of existential psychology.
The deadline to submit nominations for the summer cycle is June 30.
The deadline to submit nominations for the winter cycle is November 15.
The designated foremost author:
Does not need to be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of nominations.
Must not have previously won this award.
The paper:
Must expressly build on the work and ideas of Ernest Becker in advancing the research, communication, and/or application of the science of existential psychology.
May include quantitative and/or qualitative research, theoretical advances, or systematic reviews of the scientific literature.
Must be published in the current or previous calendar year. For example, if it is currently 2024 you may nominate any paper that was published during the 2024 or 2023 calendar year.
Papers that are accepted but still “in press” are not eligible.
If the nominated piece does not include an abstract, a 150 word abstract must also be submitted.
Candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by others. A nomination should include the following materials:
A PDF of the nominated paper.
A brief nomination statement (up to 1 page) describing the excellence of the paper, and explaining how it both builds on the work and ideas of Ernest Becker and represents an important contribution to the science of existential psychology.
To submit a nomination, send the abovementioned documents as email attachments to with the subject line “Ernest Becker Best Paper Award.”
Menzies, R. E., McMullen, K, Riotto, G. D., Iliescu, S., Petrovic, B., & Remfrey, M. (2024). From dread to disorder: A meta-analysis of the impact of death anxiety on mental illness symptoms. Clinical Psychology Review, 113, 102490.
Pashak, T. J., Nelson, O. M., Tunstull, M. D., Vanderstelt, B. H., Nichols, D. P., & Hitt, J. M. (2023). Embrace subjectivity: Existentially informed clinical psychological science, practice, and teaching. Clinical Psychologist, 27, 4-21.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Ernest Becker Conference Award
The Ernest Becker Conference Award supports the attendance and inclusion of emerging scholars presenting work, at ISSEPs annual Existential Psychology conference, which expressly build on the work and ideas of Ernest Becker in advancing the research, communication, and/or application of the science of existential psychology, including quantitative and/or qualitative research, theoretical advances, or systematic reviews of the scientific literature.
To learn more about Ernest Becker and his contributions, visit or check out our Feature article about Becker’s work and impact on the science of existential psychology.
The Graduate Student Registration Awards cover the registration fees for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
Must be an author on a submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Ernest Becker Conference Award.
Caroline Lapish. Cleveland State University. Does age moderate the relationship between death thought frequency and religious faith? Data from the World Values Survey.
Travis Pashak. Saginaw Valley State University. Death and distress: The transdiagnostic role of existential concerns in psychopathology.
For inquiries and information, please contact