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ISSEP Mission

The overarching mission of ISSEP is to advance the scientific discovery, communication, and application of key research findings in existential psychology.

ISSEP Vision

The ISSEP envisions itself contributing to the development of the field of existential psychology by providing organizational infrastructure. By 2025, we envision that ISSEP will:

  1. Serve as a beacon around which interested researchers and professionals can organize, communicate, and learn about existential psychology research, theory, and application;

  2. Help make available resources to stimulate advances in existential psychology research, theory, and application;

  3. Offer dedicated publications for relevant peer-reviewed academic reports and other news;

  4. Help interested researchers and professionals become aware of neighboring scientific and professional fields and societies; and

  5. Take steps to support community engagement by providing access to experts and educational resources, addressing timely social issues, and engaging in media outreach and collaboration.