Innovation in Existential Psychology Research
The Innovation in Existential Psychology Award ($250) recognizes innovation in the science of existential psychology at the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP. Successful applicants are those who, in their submitted abstracts, are doing one of the following: applying an existential lens to research a topic that has thus far received minimal attention in the field; developing a compelling new theoretical perspective; or developing research methods that offer fresh insights into existential psychological processes.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
May be either a student or professional member;
Must be an author on the submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Innovation in Existential Psychology Award.
Nicholas Kelley. University of Southampton. Meaning depletion: An existential model of self-control.
Nathan Cheek. Purdue University. Choice overload as an existential problem.
Joseph Maffly-Kipp. Texas A&M University. Is my true self worried? Worrying positively predicts authenticity for people high in depression.
Meghan Edwards. University of Missouri. Awe and existential isolation: Awe both connects and disconnects us from others and the world.
Harrison Schmitt. University of Arizona. The psychological experience of water contamination: Implications for mental health, coping, and resilience.
Rachele Benjamin. University of British Columbia. From Freud to androids: Understanding and measuring uncanny feelings.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Cross-Cultural Existential Psychology Research
It has become clear that the field of psychological science has been over-representing the cultures of Western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) nations in its theory and research, despite the fact that most people in the world are not WEIRD (Henrich et al., 2010; Rad et al., 2018). This is almost certainly the case in the science of existential psychology as well.
Thus, ISSEP’s Cross-Cultural Existential Psychology Research Conference Award ($250) recognizes research that adopts a cross-cultural theoretical and methodological approach to the science of existential psychology, such as including samples of participants in non-WEIRD cultural contexts.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
May be either a student or professional member;
Must be an author on the submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Cross-Cultural Existential Psychology Research Conference Award.
Michael Mask. University of British Columbia. A human universal? Different sources of purpose are strikingly similarly endorsed across diverse societies.
For inquiries and information, please contact
International Existential Psychology Research
The most prominent journals in psychological science have published work almost exclusively (70%+) by researchers based in North America and about population samples in North America, despite that regional context representing less than 5% of the world’s population (Arnett, 2008; Thalmayer et al., 2021). This is almost certainly the case in the science of existential psychology as well.
Thus, ISSEP’s International Existential Psychology Research Conference Award ($250) recognizes research led by research teams based at institutions outside of North America.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
May be either a student or professional member;
Must be an author on the submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the International Existential Psychology Research Conference Award.
Jisang Yune. Sogang University. Is authenticity changeable or immutable? The development of implicit theory of authenticity scale and its implications for perceptions of self-concepts and fit among first-generation students.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Interdisciplinary Existential Psychology Research
Interdisciplinary engagement is sure to enrich the field’s ideas and methodological approaches. Thus, ISSEP’s Interdisciplinary Existential Psychology Research Conference Award ($250) recognizes research that blends the theory and methods of existential psychology with those of other disciplines, e.g., developmental psychology, cognitive and affective science, sociology, anthropology, cultural evolution, history, political science, communications, economics, business studies, sports and athletics, religious studies, and philosophy, among others.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
May be either a student or professional member;
Must be an author on the submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Interdisciplinary Existential Psychology Research Conference Award.
Ashley Krause. University of Florida. Rooted in place and self: Distinct pathways to personal and place authenticity.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Graduate Student
The Graduate Student Conference Awards cover the registration fees for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be a graduate student;
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
Must be an author on a submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Graduate Student Conference Award.
Matthew Espinosa. Texas Christian University. A novel paradigm for manipulating existential isolation.
Natalie Fuchs. University of Vermont. From 'I' to 'We': A test of the effect of I-sharing on We-ness in couples.
Michaela Glisky. University of Pittsburgh. “This was not the American Dream I expected:” An anxiety-buffer disruption approach to depression in individuals with student debt.
Michael White. Columbia University. Awe in everyday life: People underestimate how much savoring unlocks awe in the mundane.
Perla Henderson. University of Houston. Black lives matter: Exploring meaning-making through social justice imagery.
McKenzie Lockett. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Death-related cognition and mental health among medical professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Roger Young. University of South Florida. From others and from world: Expanding the current model of existential isolation.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Graduate Student Diversity
The Graduate Student Diversity Conference Award recognizes the scientific advances in existential psychology made by graduate students with diverse backgrounds, and seeks to welcome them and actively support their inclusion. The Award covers the cost of registration for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Preference will be given to members of under-represented groups to cultivate contributions from individuals across a broad range of ages, developmental and acquired disabilities, minority religious perspectives, races and ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, indigenous heritages, national origins, and sexes/genders.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be a graduate student;
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
Must be an author on a submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Preference will be given to members of under-represented groups to cultivate contributions from individuals across a broad range of ages, developmental and acquired disabilities, minority religious perspectives, races and ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, indigenous heritages, national origins, and sexes/genders.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Graduate Student Diversity Conference Award.
Chareina Johnson. Rutgers University. Existential isolation and help-seeking in first-generation college students.
Young-Chin Park. University of Vermont. Does I-sharing help with chronic feelings of existential isolation?
Trisha Dutta. Florida State University. The role of unpredictability on intellectual humility.
Da Ye Lee. Sogang University. Fake it till you feel it: Exploring the effects of moral and non-moral emotion regulation on authenticity.
Mina Jyung. Seoul National University. We should follow our true self, but do we? Cultural differences in pursuit of true self.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Undergraduate Student
The Undergraduate Student Conference Awards cover the registration fees for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be an undergraduate student;
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
Must be an author on a submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Undergraduate Student Conference Award.
Alanna Alion. University of Florida. Is religious experience an emotional monolith? An experimental investigation of “high” vs. “low” church experiences and self-transcendent positive emotions.
Bao Han Tran. University of Houston. Existing in time, with company: Exploring the social and temporal variables that lead to existential well-being.
Ana Tello. Baylor University. Self-compassion moderates the relationship between fixed versus growth mindsets and mental health outcomes.
For inquiries and information, please contact
Undergraduate Student Diversity
The Undergraduate Student Diversity Conference Award recognizes the scientific advances in existential psychology made by undergraduate students with diverse backgrounds, and seeks to welcome them and actively support their inclusion. The Award covers the cost of registration for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Preference will be given to members of under-represented groups to cultivate contributions from individuals across a broad range of ages, developmental and acquired disabilities, minority religious perspectives, races and ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, indigenous heritages, national origins, and sexes/genders.
For deadlines, see the submission window for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP.
Applicants for the award:
Must be an undergraduate student;
Must be a member of ISSEP at the time of submission and review of abstracts;
Must be an author on a submitted abstract for poster, data blitz, or other presentation.
Preference will be given to members of under-represented groups to cultivate contributions from individuals across a broad range of ages, developmental and acquired disabilities, minority religious perspectives, races and ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, sexual orientations, indigenous heritages, national origins, and sexes/genders.
Submit an abstract for the annual Existential Psychology Preconference at SPSP, and indicate on the submission form that you would like to apply for the Undergraduate Student Diversity Conference Award.
Hanyan Li. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Empathy, egocentrism, and death anxiety.
Arian Rajaeian. Arizona State University. God representations, compensatory control, and responses to climate change threats.
Ethan Trieu. Rutgers University. Finding meaning in education bolsters academic self-efficacy.
Kara Ferrell. James Madison University. America shut down: Mortality salience, social media, political ideology, and health perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For inquiries and information, please contact