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Logo Packs & Usage Guide

If you would like to acknowledge the ISSEP’s support, on digital or printed materials, please use our logo in accordance with our brand guidelines. Below, you can download the brand guide and logo packs and learn about the ISSEP logo symbols.

Download our brand guide (PDF)

  • Includes usage rules and logo diagrams.

Download the ISSEP logos pack. (Download zip)

  • Contains logo in all four formats, in full color, in white (for strong background images/colors), and in greyscale (printing without color). PDF, SVG, EPS, JPG, PNG.

For additional images, video, or other media related to ISSEP, please contact our team at

ISSEP Logo & Symbols


The ISSEP TREE symbol is intended to evoke multiple relevant ideas.

  • First, the impact of changing seasons on tree leaves represents the cycles of life and death, each of which occur whether or not humans pay them any mind.

  • Second, eating from the mythical “tree of knowledge” represents humankind gaining the sophisticated cognitive and emotional capacities for awareness of oneself in the world, from which stemmed all of humankind’s unique existential concerns. Philosophical interpretations of tree of knowledge myths include the dawning of the awareness of: life and death; corporeality and sexuality; freedom and responsibility; meaning, moral judgment of good/evil, guilt and shame; and various other existential challenges. Relatedly, the mythic “tree of life” is the subject of much similar attention.

  • Third, ISSEP aims to be a tree of knowledge, in that it would hope to help produce new information and communicate the fruits of its research and practical application to the world.

  • Fourth, trees in general, but especially alongside all of the abovementioned symbols, evoke growth, which is both a major existential (and humanist) theme and a desirable outcome of ISSEP’s efforts to further develop the science of existential psychology.

The ISSEP CRESCENT symbol also evokes multiple relevant ideas.

  • First, the crescent has long been used to represent existential themes—such as cultural symbols for the passage of time, religious symbols for the mastery of time, the realization of destiny, as well as symbols for moral purity, productivity, and even feminine power.

  • Second, it depicts the moon and thus offers a metaphor for the often-indirect nature of psychological science methods. Just as the sun may be directly observed with the naked eye, the focal topics of psychological science often cannot be directly observed. The moon, however, reflects the sun’s light and those indirect reflections can be studied to better learn about not only the moon itself, but also the sun, Earth, and the greater machinations of the cosmos. In much the same way, psychological science often uses indirect methods, which—like the moon—can be studied as social and behavioral reflections of internal mental processes to better understand ourselves and our place in the world around us.