GRANT ID#: ISSEP-2025-09
GRANT TITLE: Exploring the existential concerns of migrants to Australia
GRANTEE: Australian College of Applied Professions
CO-PRIMARY INVESTIGATORS: Michaela Boyce, Kathryne Morris-Roberts, Nigar Khawaja
DURATION OF GRANT PROJECT: April 15, 2025 – April 15, 2026
Description of the Project
Executive summary:
Australia is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse countries in the world, with over a quarter of its population being born overseas. Migration is a complex life changing event that can be understood through a dialectical perspective. Adopting an existential lens could assist in exploring the unique existential concerns that migrants might have while they are adjusting to their new country of residence. The aim of the proposed study is to explore the existential concerns of migrants to Australia originating from non-WEIRD countries, the strategies used to navigate these concerns, and the meaning-making process they engage in during their acculturation process. A qualitative study that draws upon narrative exposure therapy is proposed to facilitate storytelling and exploration of existential concerns in a trauma informed and culturally sensitive manner. The proposed study aligns with the broader existential epistemology and aims to contribute to the Cross-Cultural Existential Psychology literature.
Itemized budget:
Grant funding will cover the expenses detailed below:
Participant compensation. 20 participants at AUD $20 each; $400 total.
NVIVO subscription for 12 months; AUD $1,100.
Professional interpreting at AUD $190 for each of 10 interview sessions; $1,900. subscription at AUD $31/month for 6 months; $186.
The project will cost a total of AUD $3,586, or USD 2,247.70.
The total amount approved for this project is USD $2,247.70.